Sunday, March 4, 2012

50 Organizing Ideas here is the second Five

50 Organizing Ideas here is the second Five

6.     What about your desk?  I make sure to organize my desk on a daily bases otherwise papers and items stack up and can become overwhelming, trust me when I say, I have seen far to many desks, or rather I think there is a desk, under all the paper and items.......
7.     Time for yourself, at least once or twice per day, can be to catch up on emails or even time to read.  Being busy all day long can be very exhausting, its like going to work for 8 hours in a day without any breaks for lunch or coffee, you will be refreshed even after 15 minute quite time.

8.     Talk Time, is always over time limits, set up time limits for yourself and stick to it, we all know how we can get carried away chatting to a friend or client.
9.     In my office I have files setup for all my clients where I keep information about what I am doing for that client and even a copy of their contact information in case something happens to the computer contacts.   Also I file these folders in the same area for easy reference as filing them with all the other bills can get very confusing and time consuming.

10.  Ever play "Telephone Tag" not a lot of fun after a while is it,  well when you can plan the call and have all the information you need in front of you and don't forget to write down the questions you are going to ask! Even professionals like accountants, physicians and clients.
Well that's it for today, check back next week for 5 more organizing tips.

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